Kumpulan foto-foto peluncuran Apple iPhone 5S dan Apple iPhone 5C di Apple Campus, Cupertino 10 september 2013.
*thank you so much www.cnet.com
Archive for September 2013
Foto: IFA Berlin 2013
Ini dia kumpulan foto-foto perhelatan IFA di Berlin 4 september lalu. Tapi berhubung yang paling dinanti itu cuma 2, peluncuran Sony Xperia Z1 dan Samsung Galaxy Note, makanya saya cuma ngumpulin dua itu~ XD *ditampar*
*thanks to www.cnet.com
DDR4 RAM, Next Generation Memory.
Hii semuanya.... :D
Maaf-maaf saya baru update sekarang karena jadwal tidur yang gak karuan... ^^v
Okay, langsung aja artikelnya dimulai.
Ram DDR4 ternyata sudah dalam tahap uji coba! Nah, apa aja kelebihan RAM generasi terbaru ini? Mari...
Next-gen memory. Next-gen performance.Coming late 2013.Designed to enable the next generation of enterprise and consumer products, Crucial® DDR4 memory technology represents the future of computing. Moving beyond the outgrown limitations of DDR3 module architecture, Crucial DDR4 memory is engineered to pack more performance into your system and has the capability to double the available density per module. Crucial DDR4 modules will use up to 20% less voltage than previous technology, and will enable mainstream data rates that are at least twice as fast as DDR3 memory. With DDR4 memory in your system, get ready to process data twice as fast, load applications faster, experience quick snap responsiveness and increased ability to multitask. If you thought the tablets, ultrabooks, and desktops of today already seem fast — get ready to be blown away. The technology that enables electronics is about to get better and faster than ever before
Salah satu pabrikan memory, Crucial, sudah memamerkan grafik di website resminya mengenai kelebihan RAM DDR4, termasuk perbandingan kelebihan-kelebihan DDR4 dengan RAM generasi sebelumnya. Berikut grafik infonya: